Survivors Vote in 2022

Your voice and your vote matters! 

From our partners at Survivors’ Agenda:

A national survey of voters (2022) on the topic of sexual violence and public policy indicates that 65% of voters in this country have been impacted by sexual violence, either personally, or through family members. Yet, the issue of addressing domestic and sexual violence is not considered a priority in midterm or presidential elections. Survivors, by and large, are not viewed as a voting bloc with political interests to whom candidates or elected leaders have to be accountable. 

“Survivor voters” and allies are a voting bloc with political interests, political power, and a clear point of view. Survivors deserve to be heard and recognized. They deserve representation and policies that reflect their best interest and safekeeping. True electoral justice is survivor justice, meaning that elections are inclusive of and in service to those who have been impacted by  violence, are left unprotected, and in need of healing and social supports.  

Ending this public health crisis requires each and every one of us to commit to taking big and small courageous actions. This is especially true of public servants and anyone running for political office whose job it is to center the first-hand knowledge of survivors and commit to sustained action toward meaningful solutions.

It’s time to acknowledge survivors as a force for structural change.

Vote on November 8th with survivors of domestic and sexual violence in mind.

Find your polling place here: