Kylen Veilleux

Her role as Program Director for Discussing Intimate Violence and Accessing Support (DIVAS) takes many forms! Kylen spends part of her week inside the Chittenden Regional Correctional Facility working with currently incarcerated survivors and part of her week in the community helping those same individuals navigate reentering their communities across the state safely post-incarceration. Kylen brings expertise in navigating the complex relationships between survivorship and the criminal justice system. Kylen takes pride in fostering relationships where incarcerated survivors are seen and heard in an environment where isolation can be detrimental to healing. Kylen’s best day would include spending time outside doing yoga, biking or skiing, road tripping to a new nook or cranny of Vermont and enjoying a meal with friends! Kylen finds she is her best self when she is surrounded by laughter and loved ones.

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