• Develop and engage in a nationwide network of inspiring leaders 
  • Leverage their lived experience to enhance their leadership 
  • Set and pursue individual leadership goals 
  • Deepen their understanding of their own leadership
  • Learn and apply practices for long-term sustainability in their efforts to combat violence 
  • Explore how innovative practices could enhance their impacts 
  • Engage values-based principles to inform their leadership 

TWO in-person, 3-day workshops 

SEVEN monthly 3-hour online webinars

THREE 1-1 mentoring sessions

Monthly asynchronous reflection and optional online coworking

March – November

WHEN AND WHERE: The two in-person workshops will be held at the Amplify Leadership Lab at the Vermont Network in Waterbury, Vermont on March 19-21 and Nov 5-7.

Seven monthly 3-hour online webinars will be conducted via Zoom on the 2nd Wednesday of the month at 11amHT/1pmPT/2pmMT/3pmCT/4pmET.  

These interactive webinars will not be recorded.  Fellows will need to attend at least five of the seven webinars to complete the program.  

COST: There is no cost to participants. The affiliated organizations and fellows will receive capped reimbursement for air travel, mileage, ground transportation, and per diem for meals at federal travel rates. Hotel accommodation will be provided at no cost.  Organizations of the fellows will also receive $5,000 to contribute to salary and additional expenses.

The Application

Before you click on the application below, be prepared to describe and provide:

  • What you hope to gain from being part of this fellowship 
  • What you hope to offer potential peers in this fellowship
  • Details about your work, your organization, and role 
  • A commitment from your organization, filled out by your supervisor. Click HERE for the form. Your application is not complete without this form. Your organization needs to make a commitment to support your completion of program components, and to do necessary paperwork to receive $5,000.  

All information will be kept confidential. Apply now to be part of a unique and dynamic cohort of leaders.