IN THE NEWS: Statement Regarding Supporting Survivors

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]November 19, 2021

Contact: Karen Tronsgard-Scott,  [email protected]

The Vermont Network stands in support of the survivor in the town of Stowe whose story has been the focus of many local discussions about leadership and accountability. Individuals who are in positions of leadership in our villages, towns and cities have a duty and responsibility to uphold the safety and well-being of our communities.

Deeply held myths about sexual assault often create barriers to repairing harm and promoting accountability. Sexual assault does not only harm a victim – this violence creates ripples throughout an entire community, impacting other victims of violence and leaving residents to question whether those employed to keep them safe will uphold this responsibility. The town of Stowe has an opportunity to repair this harm and stand in support of all of the survivors that live, work and visit the community.

The Clarina Howard Nichols Center has over 40 years of experience supporting survivors of domestic and sexual violence in Lamoille County. The Vermont Network is proud to list Clarina Howard Nichols Center as one of our 15 member organizations across the state providing critical services to survivors in need.

It is up to all of us to believe survivors. When someone discloses to you that they are experiencing violence, listen to them. We all have a role to play in ending violence and it starts with supporting those who need it the most.

About the Vermont Network

The Vermont Network Against Domestic and Sexual Violence (Vermont Network) is Vermont’s leading voice to end domestic and sexual violence. Our mission is to create a world free from oppression where actions, beliefs and systems support all people to thrive. The Vermont Network is a membership organization. Our members are 15 independent non-profit organizations across Vermont that serve survivors of domestic and sexual violence. The Vermont Network convenes and supports this coalition of member organizations to work together to engage communities in the shared work of ending domestic and sexual violence in our state. Learn more at

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