2022 Legislative Session is Underway

The 2022 Legislative session is underway – but is looking a bit different this year. While Vermont is facing its highest COVID-19 surge yet, the legislature is doing much of their work remotely. As advocates, we’re also doing our part to protect the most vulnerable by testifying and attending committee meetings virtually.

One upside to this virtual work is that it is now more accessible than ever to community members who previously had little access to the day-to-day happenings under the golden dome. Anyone with internet access can now watch committee discussions or floor sessions on YouTube.

The Vermont Network policy team is hard at work ensuring that the perspectives and needs of survivors are elevated for legislators and part of the legislative process. We work on a wide range of issues impacting survivors so that all Vermonters may thrive and live lives free from violence. Sometimes we weigh in on issues that aren’t always considered narrow “victims’ issues”. We know though that survivors in Vermont are uniquely impacted by many social and economic issues such as lack of affordable housing, discrimination, and access to healthcare and justice. Read the VT Network’s policy agenda here.

Over the next few months, we’ll be reaching out to you with opportunities to contact your legislators in support of issues that matter to survivors. You can find your legislators and their contact info here. Hearing directly from survivors and community members has a HUGE impact on the legislative process!

The VT Network Policy Team,

Sarah, Jessica & Kara